Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Awards!!!

First off I reached 50 followers! Woo Hoo! I know some of you are in the triple digits, but for so long I was stuck at 12 so this is huge for me. Thank you everyone who follows and comments. You have showed me how amazing the writing community is.

Kelley is awesome and gave me two more blog awards. Yes TWO!

The first award, copied from Kelley who copied it from Lara who copied it from Word + Stuff, the award is named 'The thumbs up from Skunk award' since "we all feel like stinky, stinky skunks some days" and there are people who "make us feel (and smell) a lot better" Let's take a second to admire how awesome this award really is! I love it. 

I have to name one thing I love about myself then pass it along. I never realized how hard it would be to come up with something I love about myself. Hmm....

After ten years of working in sales and customer service I encountered all different types of people. My least favorite people were the ones who were rude, impossible, difficult, impatient and quick to jump down your throat and I love the fact that I am not like that. I think dealing with these types of people for so many years I became aware of it and have done everything in my power to never emulate them. I always take the time to be friendly to the person at the register, the busboy who takes my plate, the customer service rep at the cable company even the waitress who spilled two beers and four glasses of water on my brand new coat. Accidents happen, how can you hold that against someone? 

Now on to the next award the the Liebster award. I have to say five things about myself and then pass it on to ten bloggers. 

I just did ten a couple of weeks ago so let's see if I can come up with five more: 

1) I love to bake, cookies are my specialty. If I'm upset about something I bake to take my mind off of it. A character in one of my books does the same thing.
2) My dream of all dreams is to own a winery, where me and my mom would work the tasting bar and my dad would give tours- he loves to talk and tell stories. It would be perfect for him.
3) It's very rare that a day goes by that I don't talk to my mom.
4) I also dream about living on a farm complete with pigs and goats. No chickens! (Though everyone I know thinks this is the funniest thing ever. For some reason they think I'm a city girl that isn't cut out for farm life.)
5) On one trip to New Hampshire to visit my uncle and cousin my brother and cousin thought it would be funny to lock me in the chicken coop. I never fully recovered. 

I always hate choosing since everyone is awesome and I love all of your blogs. So I am going to pull a Kelley and give the awards to the last ten people who commented on my blog and who did not already receive the award from Kelley. 

Jamie Morrow
Robin Moran 
J.A Bennett
Tony Van Helsing 
Ladonna Watkins
Christina Dos Santos 
Kelley Vitollo
Emily R. King 
Juliana Haygert

Can't wait to read your answers :)


  1. COngrats on reaching 50 followers, yay!
    And thanks for the awards, Theresa!
    I shall pass it on next week ;)

    1. Thank you :) and you're welcome I always love reading your posts.

  2. aw, thanks for the awards..I have to do a post, I've gotten a few recently and keep forgetting to pay it forward... bad blogger!

    1. You're welcome :) and you're not a bad blogger just busy :)

  3. 50 Followers! You are on your way :) My hubby is a city boy who wants to live on a farm too!

    1. Now 51 thanks for the follow :)

      See farm life is appealing! I say that now but I'm sure the first time I step in something I can't explain my tune would change. lol

  4. Congrats on the 50 followers, Theresa! That's wondeful :)

  5. Way to go on the award! 50 followers is awesome! I talk to my mom pretty much every day, too. She's one of my best friends.
    Thanks for passing on the award! You're so sweet.

    1. My mom's one of my best friends too :)

      And you're welcome. Love your blog. I still have your snickerdoodle recipe waiting to be put to use.

  6. Thank you so much for the awards! I think being nice to everyone is a great trait. I worked in the food industry and had the same impressions. I think everyone should have to work jobs like that at least once in their lives to appreciate that kind of service!

    1. You're welcome :) And I agree. If you have never walked in the shoes of a person who has to deal with the public all day everyday you can't fully understand how you're one bad reaction to something, out of their control no less, is the tenth bad reaction they had to deal with that day. Plus I always was more willing to help the nice customers :)

  7. Congrats on hitting 50! And thank you for the award!

    Baking can be so relaxing. The last baking day I had was just before Christmas. So much fun!

    1. Thanks :) and you're welcome.

      I baked so many cookies for Christmas this year I cookied myself out. I didn't think that was possible. lol

  8. Thanks for the award Theresa and congrats on reaching 50 followers :D

    A winery sounds like a wonderful idea...wine & stories go well together! :-)

    1. Your welcome and thank you :) And yes, yes they do :)

  9. I think it should be a rule for everyone to spend a month in a customer service role. Heck, even a week would do. You gain a new appreciation for things when you've worked in customer service, waitress, busboy, cashier, etc.

    1. I think that is a great idea. And I think a week is all they'll need to gain the appreciation. lol. Or just one day depending on the customers :)
