Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My writers block is gone. It is a thing of the past. FINALLY! It has been driving me absolutely crazy. I wrote six and a half pages in the past hour and I don't feel like banging my head on the keyboard and/or screaming yet. So yay for finally getting over this awful funk.

I decided just to write. I have been over thinking and over analyzing every single word I go to type and I realized that was just not working for me. I put my fears of failure aside and just went with it. Editing is the time to stress about all the details I missed and all the plot holes that need filling. Right now I just need to write and that is exactly what I am doing. So yay!

Also I want to say Congrats to Cassie for getting a full request from Vickie Motter over at Cupid's Literary Connection Love Triangle Contest. Seriously your book sounds all types of awesome. I'm so jealous Kelley got to read it :)

Today was a day full of OMG's! and awesomeness so fingers crossed for more awesomeness to come!


  1. Yay for writer's block being gone!!! Can't wait to see what more awesomeness comes out of you :)

    1. I'm declaring the word of the day awesomeness lol. And yes I can't wait to finish it and send it to you.

  2. Yay! Glad you made it through your writings blog. Those funks are HARD. Happy writing!

    1. They really are hard! They have a way of making you feel awful.

      And welcome! Thanks for the follow :)

  3. that's great. you're a fabulous writer, so I'm sure this new project is going to be full of awesome :)

    p.s. did you get my last email with chapters 14-16? just want to make sure since I didn't hear back from you :)

    1. Aww thanks Cristina *blushing*

      I did! I didn't email you back? I'm sorry. You know what I'll email you now :)

  4. I'm glad it's gone. Love the picture.

    1. Isn't the picture great! It captured how I looked and felt perfectly :)

  5. I've heard quitting the desk and going for a walk in an area full of people helps writers block. Listen in to people's conversations for ideas. And your grandad looked a bit like William Shatner.

    1. It does. I feel like it takes the pressure off and gives you a chance to clear your mind.

      And I have heard many comparisons but never William Shatner, but I can see it. Ha! Love it.

  6. Wahoo! That is always an awesome feeling!
