Saturday, January 14, 2012

Update and Ten Books in Ten Days

In the beginning of the month I wrote a post about how I am JaNoing (NaNoing in January). It's not going so well. First off I started on a new idea, wrote the first chapter, hated everysingle word I wrote and basically let self doubt consume me. Then I decided I'm going to finally finish a WIP I have been randomly working on and pushing aside for something new for the past three years-the longest I have ever spent on a first draft EVER! It was perfect. I have had the story plotted out in my mind for years and I even came up with a new twist in the plot that had me clapping. So how many words have I added to this WIP that has been calling my name? Zero! Yup that's right. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. To make matters worse, I have no desire to read either. I blame this all on my current state of being unemployed and spending my days watching crappy day time TV and dusting every ten minutes. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to get motivated unless I force myself to get motivated. So I am still hoping I can finish the first draft of this WIP that has been begging me to do so for years by the end of the month.

In order to get inspiration and force myself out of my reading funk I am creating a challenge for myself. Ten books in ten days. Crazy right? Probably, but it's not impossible and I have a lot, too much, free time on my hand so I know I can do it. Plus I have books I have been dying to read just sitting and collecting dust on my shelf. I'm going to put aside A Tale of Two Cities, that god I have been desperately trying to finish, to at least stick with one New Year Resolution. I have scanned my bookshelf and have picked up the ten books I had to have and have yet to read:
You can place your bets below. Just Kidding. But if like me you are in a reading funk, need inspiration or just want an excuse to read more, join me. The reading begins today and will end on the 23 of January. I'll post my progress along the way. Happy Reading.


  1. Oooh! Good luck! That's an awesome goal. Let us know which ones are your favorite!

  2. oh if I didn't have two rugrats running amuck I would so join you!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    1. I'd be lucky to get any reading in if I had two rugrats. The fact that you find time to write and read is unbelievable!

  3. Ten books in ten days is a huge challenge! I love it, though. Someday I may have to try the same. And those are some good books!

    1. I thought it would be a great way to get motivated. It's working :) and it does help that they really are awesome books.

  4. Wow. Good luck with that one. I just finished one last night! But I don't think I can keep that up for nine more days :)

    Hopefully you get out of the writing funk soon! Can't wait to read it when it happens :)

    1. I thought it was a little too ambitious and I was setting myself up for failure but so far so good. And the gears are turning FINALLY!

  5. This sounds like a super fun challenge! Hope you're able to break out of the writing funk. Maybe the books will give you the inspiration you need :-)

  6. Two and a half books down and I'm definitely getting inspired :)
