Monday, February 13, 2012

Origins Blogfest

First off I'm in Cupid's Literary Connection: Blind Speed Dating Contest. Please stop by. There is some amazing competition.

I'm loving these blogfests. I've been meeting amazing people. Thank you to all my new followers :) I hope not to bore you.

This weeks blogfest Origins hosted by D L HammondKatie Mills, Alex Cavanaugh and Matthew MacNish. I found it on Alex's blog and accidently signed up under the name of this post and not the name of my blog. This is what happens when I do things before I finish my coffee.

On Monday, February 13th, post your own origin story. Tell us all where your writing dreams began. It could be anything from how you started making up stories as a child, or writing for the school newspaper, or even what prompted you to start a blog. How about stories about the first time somebody took an interest in your writing, or maybe the singular moment when you first started calling yourself a writer. It all started somewhere and we want you to tell us your own unique beginnings.

Where do I start? The first 'book' I ever wrote was a picture book, I did the illustrations (it was awful), and it was called The New Baby. I was six and the story is about a girl who is jealous of her new baby brother. This would make sense if I had a baby brother. I don't. I have one brother and he's two years older than me so I have no idea where this story came from.  

In fourth grade I wrote a poem and my teacher sent it into the Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans and my poem was accepted. My fifth grade teacher also submitted one of my poems and that was also accepted. I am not a poet but this helped pave the way for me to begin extending my ideas into longer formats.

In fifth grade I won the D.A.R.E. essay contest and was asked to read it at an assembly with the entire fifth grade and our parents. I had to wear the black shirt with D.A.R.E. written in red and I decided to pair it with a hot pink skirt and hot pink tights. Yeah I don't know what I was thinking.

In sixth grade I attempted my first novel. A book about the Battle of Salamis in Ancient Greece. I got to seventeen pages and all my classmates were in awe. This would become one of the many ideas I started and never finished.

In eighth grade we put together a book called the Scribbler. In it were illustrations, short stories and poems. About six or seven of my poems made it to the final product. All of which are embarrassing poems that make me cringe to this day. I wish I could find all copies and set them on fire :)

In eleventh grade I took my first Creative Writing class. I was so excited when we had to exchange short stories with a classmate. My piece was amazing. I knew whoever read it would love it. The girl gave it back to me and wrote that the first paragraph description was tedious. To this day I hate the word tedious.

Twelfth grade I was more concerned with cutting school and going to the mall. I didn't write much at all other than a few depressing poems about love. It wasn't until a few years later that I discovered a site online where you could share your writing and people could comment on it. I posted a few poems and got some feedback and then one day I decided I wanted to write a book. I was determined. And for the first time in my life I wrote an entire book. I also received amazing feedback on the site. People whether they liked the writing or not, loved the story. One girl told me she stopped reading Twilight so she could read my story. I was a huge Twilight Freak at the time and that made my heart melt.

The story was loosely based on me and my friends when we were fourteen and I loved it so much I decided the story needed to continue. The story continued into four books. The fourth book I never finished. It's chapters away from being complete, but since the previous books are riddled with beginner writer mistakes, I put it aside. One day I hope to revise the crap out of it and give it another shot. These books were the first time I experienced voices in my head and characters wanting to takeover as I typed. And even if these books never see the light of day, I credit them with where I am today and they will always be special to me.

So what's your story? What was the moment you said, "This is it! I'm a writer?"

* I forgot to mention that Twilight had a part in getting my mind back into wanting to be a writer. You can judge me if you'd like, but after reading the books and being captivated by the story I was inspired. Thanks Juliana for reminding me :) 


  1. I'm so envious of everyone who got the jump on writing early. I think I did a little bit as a kid and then for whatever reason I stopped somewhere along the way. I got stuck writing essay after essay all through high school and college and didn't really give fiction a chance until this past summer. It was kind of one of those 'it's now or never' kind of scenarios. So glad I gave it a whirl :-)

    1. They kill you with those essays in high school! And it's better late than never and you aren't even late lol.

  2. Oh, I know that TWILIGHT inspired you to go back to writing--like it did to me too!
    Thanks for sharing your story!

    1. Yes! And thank you for reminding me. I can't believe I forgot to originally add it.

  3. In one of my college creative writing classes, one of my classmates came up to me afterward to tell me that my story had made her cry (and not because it was so poorly written). On the outside, I was all calm and cool but on the inside, I was jumping up and down, screaming, shouting and doing all sorts of ungainly happy dances.

    1. Isn't that the greatest feeling ever? I love that.

  4. You started early! I don't think my Elementary school days were much better than scratchy words and stick people. Ha!

    1. Ha! If you actually saw my so called first book you would know that it wasn't more than stick figures and really sloppy writing. I couldn't even write my first name on one line. The dang sa never fit. lol.

  5. Hey! You never have to be ashamed of liking Twilight. (At least not book one.) I loved it too. Keep up the good work and someday your turn will come! Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Oh see I loved all four...Thanks for the follow :)

  6. What a great writing history! I had a series of picture books from when I was in grade school, but sadly my brother threw them away. :( And hey, Twilight is what got me back into writing too! Even though I can't stand reading it now, I still love the story.

    1. Brother's are really good at throwing away memories. My brother, well he didn't throw it out, he decapitated my first cabbage patch doll :( I still hold it against him. And Yay to another person inspired by the Twilight story :)

  7. Wow, you started early and kept going all along. Bravo! It's funny what things inspire us and we don't know where they come from. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm a new follower of you too. :)

    1. I've learned that inspiration comes from pretty much everywhere. Thanks for hopping over and for the follow :)

  8. Hello Theresa!

    New follower from the Origins Blogfest!

    I love that you and your friends started a book in school! My best friend and I invented a magical world when we were 8 but neither of us wrote any of it down. This is probably a good thing as I'm sure someone would dig those stories up and use them for potent blackmail fodder in the future to stymie my successful career!! LOL!

    Happy to meet you!

    1. That's what I'm afraid of-blackmail! I'd hunt them all down but they were distributed through the entire school so I doubt I'd be able to find all of them.

      Nice to meet you too :) Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Hey! If Twilight inspired you, that's great! The point is, you began writing again! Everyone's gonna have their opinion about Twilight, but yours is what matters. And LOL at your story of The New're creative, you didn't need to have a brother to write!

    1. You're right it is my opinion that matters, but I still can't help but ask people not to judge me lol.

      Thanks for stopping by :)

  10. I think it's great that Twilight inspired you to get back into writing novels. It inspired a lot of writers. :D

    1. It really has and the more I admit to it the more people come forward with a similar Twilight related story. I love it.

      Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. I would SO love to read your older works. Send some poems my way??? :)

    You have such a rich writing history. Mine is...I started writing in July because I was still trying to find a way to express my creative side. I sung in a band, I acted in musicals, there were characters in my head so I thought...why not write them down :)

    1. Um NO! lol. They are so embarrassing about breakups and misery, quite depressing actually.

      And thank God you started writing them down or I never would have had the great pleasure of reading about them :)And not to mention walking into a store with pom poms when one of them makes it onto bookshelves and telling people I know you and they have to buy the book now because they will love it! Ha!

  12. Between Twilight, Harry Potter, and LOTR, I lost count of how many future writers became inspired by these works. Wouldn't it be awesome to write something that ended up being so influential?

    Great Origin Story! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. That would be amazing something to continue to strive for. Thanks for stopping by :)

  13. TWILIGHT may not be the highest-brow literary fiction, but I read all 4 books in 4 days, so they've clearly got SOMETHING ;)

    Nice origin story. I would love to hear about you revisiting those 3.9 (guessing there on the .9 part) novels that are 'riddled' with mistakes as you said - I love going back to my old stuff with my new writerly eyes.

    1. It's funny you say that because I was thinking of creating a bloghop for those novels put aside. Everyone to take one of their favorite excerpts and post it. Maybe give people the push to pick it back up and revisit it. We'll see. I just have no idea how to get one started :)

  14. I love that you got started by writing and illustrating your own picture book. DO you still have a copy of it? Would be cool if you did.
    Great to meet you on this blogfest.

    your newest follower,

    1. It might be in a box at my parents house. I really need to search for it. I still remember exactly what it looks like.

      Nice to meet you too. Thanks for stopping by. I'm hopping over to your blog now :)

  15. Great story! It inspired a lot of writers. :D
