Monday, February 6, 2012

Emotional Scenes

Can I just say a quick WOOHOO! and a YAY for the NY Giants!!!!!!!
Okay now back to the topic: 
Emotional Scenes.
Have you ever wrote a scene and broke down in tears? You get so sucked into your WIP that your characters become real and when something bad happens it breaks you apart even though you are the one writing it. Or even find your characters cracking you up? As you write a conversation between two of your characters the comments they make to each other have you laughing out loud. This happens to me from time to time.

During my JaNoing (Yes I tried to stick with it and though I didn't finish the first draft I did manage to write 56 pages in two days! And I am only pages away from it being complete.) I had to write a scene that I thought I was prepared for, but as I started putting the words down I broke down. For 26 pages I cried. It was the hardest 26 pages I have ever written. As soon as my fingers started to type the tears poured out to the point that I couldn't see my screen. Of course when my boyfriend came home I told him, he looked at me like I was crazy then verified his look by adding "You're nuts." Thank you dear :) He's not a writer though and he's not a reader either so I can't expect him to understand. That's why I have all of you. So has this ever happened to you? Do your characters play on your emotions?


  1. I've never cried when I've written something (guess I haven't written anything sad enough), but I have definitely laughed my head off. Is that weird? :-)

    1. No not at all! If you are laughing you know your reader will be laughing.

  2. I have cried, several times. It means you're onto the height of emotion!

  3. Uh-oh. I've never cried. But I'm not much of a crier. I'm with Jaime though. I've laughed a number of times. And then I'm even more foolish because I'll go back and reread the story over and over again and laugh at the same parts :) haha

    1. See I'm a crier. I cry at the stories on American Idol. Ha! Now my goal is to get you to cry. lol.

      I laugh at the same parts too. Some times they never get old.

  4. No, I've never cried but I do get choked up.

    1. This is the first time I've actually cried when writing but I do get choked up a lot too.
