Friday, February 3, 2012

Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler

Why did this book sit on my bookshelf for as long as it did? I am seriously mad at myself for not reading it the minute I bought it months ago. Okay a quick overview from Sarah Ockler's website:

Things in Delilah Hannaford’s life have a tendency to fall apart. She used to be a good student, but she can’t seem to keep it together anymore. Her “boyfriend” isn’t much of a boyfriend. And her mother refuses to discuss the fight that divided their family eight years ago. Falling apart, it seems, is a Hannaford tradition.

Over a summer of new friendships, unexpected romance, and moments that test the complex bonds between mothers and daughters, Delilah must face her family’s painful past. Can even her most shattered relationships be pieced together again?

Rich with emotion, FIXING DELILAH is a powerful story of family, love, and self-discovery.

From the minute I started to read this book I knew I would love it. The writing style reminded me of Sarah Dessen who is one of my favorite YA writers. It has a strong voice and I instantly sympathized with Delilah. The issues were heavy, but they didn't leave me drained like other books. This was a more uplifting book and I was routing for Delilah as she tried to figure it all out.

The supporting cast was great. I'm in love with Patrick. He was sweet and fun, but more than anything he was realistic. Her mom was a big part of the book and I loved how their strained relationship slowly started to mend.

My favorite part was learning about the aunt who died before she was born. Everything that had happened with her family, all the issues they were dealing with were related to this aunt she had never met. Slowly she started to put the pieces together and Wow! I won't spoil it for those that have not read it, but I didn't see that one coming.

If you love a book with a good romance, a good dose of drama and a bit of mystery, or if you just love a good contemporary YA book this is the book for you.

I also LOVE the cover. It's so different from the other covers that are out right now and I feel like it really encompasses what the book is about.

Have you read Fixing Delilah? Have you read any of Sarah Ockler's books? I can't wait to read more from her.


  1. This one is on my Goodreads TBR list at the moment. I'm actually currently reading TWENTY BOY SUMMER by Sarah Ockler and it's pretty good. It also has a great cover (broken coloured glass in the shape of a heart). I'll let you know how it is when I'm done :-)

    1. Yes please let me know :) I moved it up on my TBR list but I have to finish all the books I already have. I've seen that cover and love it! I would have read the book based on the cover alone. lol.

  2. Hmmm...I'm still going to go with the Series you recommended yesterday as my next read, but this one does sound super good :)

    1. Yes go with that series! I hope you like it. It's one of those that gets better with each book.

  3. I recently had this recommended on another blog too. I'll have to check it out!!

    1. Oh it's so good. I couldn't put it down. I actually finished it, closed the book and put it down on the table and my BF was like didn't you just start reading that? lol.
