Monday, November 2, 2015
The Classics
Every New Years I make a list like most people, and like most people, I'm lucky if I follow through with half of the resolutions listed. Almost every list I have ever made has included: Read the classics. It is no secret that I am not a fan of older works of literature and I consider myself lucky that I didn't have to endure the torture during my school years. However, now as I get older, I feel like I missed out. Like there's a part of me that isn't complete because I don't know the works of Jane Austen or Charles Dickens.
So finally after years of promising myself I would do so I have begun to read the classics. I started with Pride and Prejudice, but unfortunately I started it when I was in my reading slump, so it is taking far longer than it should to finish. But I am getting close.
I discovered audio books and with an hour and a half commute each way to work I could not be happier. What better way to hear the classics than when I'm trapped in my car in bumper to bumper traffic? I have already listened to Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol and am currently listening to Dracula. Dracula is one of those books that I know I would have given up on after the first chapter, and even the audio was a little iffy at first, but I have held it out. And guess what? I am enjoying the story! I try to only listen to it on my commute and, I can't believe I'm saying this, am looking forward to tomorrow's commute so I can hear more of the story.
I am now addicted and have downloaded a ton of free Kindle ebook classics. In the past, it felt like torture, but now it feels more like accomplishment when I get through a chapter or three.
Next up:
Wuthering Heights
What is your favorite classic novel?
A Christmas Carol,
Tessa Marie,
The Classics,
Theresa Paolo
Saturday, October 24, 2015
The Real & Honest Update
A few weeks ago, I posted about my crappy summer, why I haven't been around as much as I used to and some updates about my writing. If you want to read it you can check it out here. Recently, I read a couple honest posts from writer friends and it inspired me to be honest too.
What I didn't mention in my update post is that I've also been falling in and out of funks. Big, nasty funks that take away my motivation and my drive. The days where I would scribble in my notebook while at work, or get an idea in the shower and have to get out to write it down immediately, or have conversations with my characters during my commute to work, are gone. And I miss those days. So much. I long for that moment when the love and the drive smack into me at full force that I have no choice but to accept it with open arms and get down to business. I'm waiting...but that's the problem. I've been waiting for a very long time.
I'll admit, not all days are horrible, but the good days don't last long. The feeling of failure and disappointment tend to creep in and paralyze me, leaving me to stare at a blank computer screen for hours. Then when hours pass and I haven't written a single word I get so mad at myself. To think about how much I could've got done if I would just suck it up and force it out. It's a vicious cycle. Though, I do write, I just know I can be writing so much more, and that frustrates me.
The other thing that kills all my mojo, and I hate to admit, is jealousy. I have never been a jealous person. I am always happy for other peoples success and am the first to congratulate them. However, lately, it seems everybody is a USA Today Bestseller or a NYT Bestseller and I'm not. And maybe I should just accept the fact that I may never be. It's just a list, right? But trying to convince myself that, when post after post on Facebook of other people being worthy enough to make it, is almost impossible. It's like a big flashing light telling me I will never be good enough. I'll always just be mediocre. I wish I could embrace that because there is nothing wrong with mediocre, but that nagging, impossible to get rid of voice in the back of mind, won't let me.
The worst part is I feel like I'm letting my readers down. From 2013-2014 I released three of my own books, two with a publisher and one self pubbed, and cowrote three books and a novella. For 2015 I released only one. People keep telling me they can't wait for another Tessa/Theresa book and when they ask me when they can expect it I never know what to say. So I just say I'm working on it. I wish I could tell them tomorrow or next month. I wish I could give them something to look forward to, but right now... I have nothing. So to all my readers that are patiently waiting and haven't abandoned ship, I just want to say thank you.
I thought 2015 was going to be my year. I have never been so wrong about anything in my life. So I'm not going to proclaim that 2016 will be that year. I'm just going to say I hope it is.
And now the only thing I have left to say is, stay tuned.
What I didn't mention in my update post is that I've also been falling in and out of funks. Big, nasty funks that take away my motivation and my drive. The days where I would scribble in my notebook while at work, or get an idea in the shower and have to get out to write it down immediately, or have conversations with my characters during my commute to work, are gone. And I miss those days. So much. I long for that moment when the love and the drive smack into me at full force that I have no choice but to accept it with open arms and get down to business. I'm waiting...but that's the problem. I've been waiting for a very long time.
I'll admit, not all days are horrible, but the good days don't last long. The feeling of failure and disappointment tend to creep in and paralyze me, leaving me to stare at a blank computer screen for hours. Then when hours pass and I haven't written a single word I get so mad at myself. To think about how much I could've got done if I would just suck it up and force it out. It's a vicious cycle. Though, I do write, I just know I can be writing so much more, and that frustrates me.
The other thing that kills all my mojo, and I hate to admit, is jealousy. I have never been a jealous person. I am always happy for other peoples success and am the first to congratulate them. However, lately, it seems everybody is a USA Today Bestseller or a NYT Bestseller and I'm not. And maybe I should just accept the fact that I may never be. It's just a list, right? But trying to convince myself that, when post after post on Facebook of other people being worthy enough to make it, is almost impossible. It's like a big flashing light telling me I will never be good enough. I'll always just be mediocre. I wish I could embrace that because there is nothing wrong with mediocre, but that nagging, impossible to get rid of voice in the back of mind, won't let me.
The worst part is I feel like I'm letting my readers down. From 2013-2014 I released three of my own books, two with a publisher and one self pubbed, and cowrote three books and a novella. For 2015 I released only one. People keep telling me they can't wait for another Tessa/Theresa book and when they ask me when they can expect it I never know what to say. So I just say I'm working on it. I wish I could tell them tomorrow or next month. I wish I could give them something to look forward to, but right now... I have nothing. So to all my readers that are patiently waiting and haven't abandoned ship, I just want to say thank you.
I thought 2015 was going to be my year. I have never been so wrong about anything in my life. So I'm not going to proclaim that 2016 will be that year. I'm just going to say I hope it is.
And now the only thing I have left to say is, stay tuned.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
~Fall Bucket List~
Since I had such a craptastic Summer, I have decided to have an amazing Fall. After all, Fall is my favorite time of the year. Every year, I have fall traditions that I must do and try to add a few different things to the mix. So this year my Fall Bucket List is:
1. Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, of course! (Check)
2. Bust out the boots (Check)
3. Decorate for the Fall (I have so many decorations and I love how my house looks all done up with pumpkins and leaves and scarecrows.) (Will check off tomorrow)
4. Pumpkin Picking
5. Buy mums and decorate outside
6. Visit the local wineries
7. Rise of the Jack O'Lanterns (First time doing this and I CANNOT wait! Expect tons of pictures coming your way in a couple of weeks)
8. Carve a Pumpkin
9. Bake my pumpkin, cream cheese filled bread
10. Leaf peeping (One of my favorite things to do)
11. Watch Hocus Pocus
12. Read a few R.L. Stine books
13. Corn Maze (If my back is up to it)
14. Enjoy my favorite Octoberfest Beer or Seasonal Stout
15. Light my fall scented candles (Check)
16. Essex Stream Train and Riverboat for a scenic tour
17. Visit the Gillette Castle
18. Have a cup of hot apple cider
19. Eat a caramel apple
20. Wrap myself up in a blanket, sit outside with a book or my laptop and enjoy the cool crisp night air (check)
Check out my instagram where I'll be posting all my fun fall activities under the hashtag #FallBucketList
What is on your Fall Bucket List? I might steal some of your ideas ;)
Happy Fall!
Fall Bucket List,
Tessa Marie,
Theresa Paolo
Saturday, September 19, 2015
New Design and New Domain!
I finally decided to give blog design a try and I am so happy with how this turned out. *pats self on back* Though, I have to admit, my first attempt was a disaster and I panic messaged Cassie Mae. She assured me it was easy, so I took a deep breath and jumped back in. With a little time and patience it came together. Now I can't stop looking at it! So take a look around and tell me what you think.
Also my blog is now officially
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Where in the World is Theresa?
Most of you have been wondering if I fell off the face of the earth. I'm here to tell you I have not. Unfortunately, life has just gotten in the way. My summer started out promising and then I got the summer flu that turned into bronchitis that lasted, no joke, three weeks. Then as soon as I started feeling better my boyfriend got it for three weeks as well. Once we were germ free, I was excited to start getting back to normal, but then I experienced the worst back pain I have ever felt in my life, causing me to fall to my knees and making me unable to move for over a half hour. I've been dealing with lower back pain since I was 16, but nothing compared to how horrible that pain was. I was unable to move, sweating and crying from the pain and completely alone. Once I managed to crawl to the phone my dad came and rescued me and brought me to the doctor. Turns out I have 2 herniated discs one of which is significant and pushing against the sac and nerves of my spinal cord... As my mom said, I can never do anything small. Go big or go home, right? Now I'm in physical therapy twice a week and even though it's been over two months, I still can't do much.
I never thought I'd actually want to clean, but being unable to vacuum, or to bend over to get the dishes out of the dishwasher, or to do laundry, is driving me insane. I feel useless and it's frustrating. I also can't really sit on my couch because according to my physical therapist, the minute I sit on the couch, I ruin everything she has done for me. The couch is where I write and while I'm getting used to my desk chair, it's still not the same. On top of it all my grandma who is 83 has fallen three times this summer and each time hit her head. She's been in and out of the hospital because of this. Her most recent fall was in a parking lot and her face broke her fall... Needless to say, she looks like the terminator. Her face is completely bruised and she had to have ten stitches. Though, yesterday, she proudly declared to my mom, "I have never had a shiner before. This is my first one!" She's a trooper and she's always been hard headed, but now we know her actual head is hard as a rock. I'm buying her a helmet and she's not allowed to go anywhere with out. She was transferred to a rehab facility yesterday so she's on her way to recovery.
So yeah, my summer has been pretty eventful and not in the way I like. I've been trying to stay active on social media, but with everything that has been going on it's been hard. Hopefully, it'll be back to normal soon.
Writing updates:
I know I have promised you a companion novel to Home is Where You Are that will tell Katie and Seth's story. Trust me, it is still very much on my mind. I was hoping to have it ready and available to you all by this fall, but I hate to say that is not going to happen. I will write their book. It is something I've always wanted to do. Even when I was writing Home is Where You Are, Katie's voice was so strong and there is so much more to her story than what you got to see in Home. I just want to do her story justice. She deserves that. She's complicated and has many layers which is not something I can bang out in a month. So yes, their story is coming, I just don't know when.
I also am in the middle of rewrites for my agent. This is a book that I wrote in 2011-2012 and is one of my favorites. It is very different from my norm. It has a bit of a time travel aspect where the main character goes from present day back to 1925. If you know me, you know I am a huge history buff, and the twenties is one of my favorite eras. I just took a trip to Newport, Rhode Island, despite my bad back, because that is where the book takes place and I wanted to do a little more research. So this book is taking up a bit of my time and is something that I don't plan on self pubbing. I will continue to fill you in on all the details as they slowly develop.
Brett's book. I can't tell you how excited I am to jump back into the Beds series world. I spoke with Cassie recently about this and we are definitely writing his book. We just have to see how our schedules go. She has so many awesome books she's working on right now and I'm excited for all of them! Our goal for Brett is to write it in 2016.
I also have a few other books I am working on, but they're all in the beginning stages and can't really discuss anything until I'm a little more into them. Just know that I am working and I hope to have something new for you guys soon!
Now I want to know how your summer was? Please tell me it was better than mine!
I never thought I'd actually want to clean, but being unable to vacuum, or to bend over to get the dishes out of the dishwasher, or to do laundry, is driving me insane. I feel useless and it's frustrating. I also can't really sit on my couch because according to my physical therapist, the minute I sit on the couch, I ruin everything she has done for me. The couch is where I write and while I'm getting used to my desk chair, it's still not the same. On top of it all my grandma who is 83 has fallen three times this summer and each time hit her head. She's been in and out of the hospital because of this. Her most recent fall was in a parking lot and her face broke her fall... Needless to say, she looks like the terminator. Her face is completely bruised and she had to have ten stitches. Though, yesterday, she proudly declared to my mom, "I have never had a shiner before. This is my first one!" She's a trooper and she's always been hard headed, but now we know her actual head is hard as a rock. I'm buying her a helmet and she's not allowed to go anywhere with out. She was transferred to a rehab facility yesterday so she's on her way to recovery.
So yeah, my summer has been pretty eventful and not in the way I like. I've been trying to stay active on social media, but with everything that has been going on it's been hard. Hopefully, it'll be back to normal soon.
Writing updates:
I know I have promised you a companion novel to Home is Where You Are that will tell Katie and Seth's story. Trust me, it is still very much on my mind. I was hoping to have it ready and available to you all by this fall, but I hate to say that is not going to happen. I will write their book. It is something I've always wanted to do. Even when I was writing Home is Where You Are, Katie's voice was so strong and there is so much more to her story than what you got to see in Home. I just want to do her story justice. She deserves that. She's complicated and has many layers which is not something I can bang out in a month. So yes, their story is coming, I just don't know when.
I also am in the middle of rewrites for my agent. This is a book that I wrote in 2011-2012 and is one of my favorites. It is very different from my norm. It has a bit of a time travel aspect where the main character goes from present day back to 1925. If you know me, you know I am a huge history buff, and the twenties is one of my favorite eras. I just took a trip to Newport, Rhode Island, despite my bad back, because that is where the book takes place and I wanted to do a little more research. So this book is taking up a bit of my time and is something that I don't plan on self pubbing. I will continue to fill you in on all the details as they slowly develop.
Brett's book. I can't tell you how excited I am to jump back into the Beds series world. I spoke with Cassie recently about this and we are definitely writing his book. We just have to see how our schedules go. She has so many awesome books she's working on right now and I'm excited for all of them! Our goal for Brett is to write it in 2016.
I also have a few other books I am working on, but they're all in the beginning stages and can't really discuss anything until I'm a little more into them. Just know that I am working and I hope to have something new for you guys soon!
Now I want to know how your summer was? Please tell me it was better than mine!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
I give myself the title of Worst Blogger EVER!
Seriously, I'm the worst. I made myself a pretty schedule with designated topics to blog about and days to post, yet after a week I failed. Though, I should've known better. Even in my writing I'm a total pantser. Schedules and outlines simply do not work for me. Every time I think I can stick to one I fail miserably. I work better with chaos.
So I decided, I'm just going to blog whenever I have the urge. Hopefully it will be more frequent than it has been lately.
I went on a long weekend vacation this past weekend. Other than being sick (according to the Dr. today I have a touch of bronchitis) it was just fantastic. Have you ever been to Wolfeboro New Hampshire? It is peaceful and beautiful and I have zero cell service there! I finally got to spend time away from my computer and catch up on some reading. If I could've stayed on that deck, overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee with a book in hand, trust me I would have! I mean look how pretty!
I read two books while out on the deck and of course I took selfies and posted them to my instagram! You know because I'm a loser like that!
I also finished an ebook I had been reading, but couldn't find the time to finish. Lauren Blakely's Night After Night. I have to say I enjoyed all three. And now I'm looking forward to seeing the movie Paper Towns. I'm always curious how they portray a book on the big screen. So I'm excited for that.
I'm obsessed with the TV series Outlander and The Bride Says Maybe was a good fix. I think I need to actually read the Outlander books though. I need more Jamie and Claire.
So that's what I've been up to. I hope to post more frequently and remove the title of Worst Blogger EVER, but only time will tell!
Have you read any of the books I did this past weekend? What about Outlander?
So I decided, I'm just going to blog whenever I have the urge. Hopefully it will be more frequent than it has been lately.
I went on a long weekend vacation this past weekend. Other than being sick (according to the Dr. today I have a touch of bronchitis) it was just fantastic. Have you ever been to Wolfeboro New Hampshire? It is peaceful and beautiful and I have zero cell service there! I finally got to spend time away from my computer and catch up on some reading. If I could've stayed on that deck, overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee with a book in hand, trust me I would have! I mean look how pretty!
I read two books while out on the deck and of course I took selfies and posted them to my instagram! You know because I'm a loser like that!
I also finished an ebook I had been reading, but couldn't find the time to finish. Lauren Blakely's Night After Night. I have to say I enjoyed all three. And now I'm looking forward to seeing the movie Paper Towns. I'm always curious how they portray a book on the big screen. So I'm excited for that.
I'm obsessed with the TV series Outlander and The Bride Says Maybe was a good fix. I think I need to actually read the Outlander books though. I need more Jamie and Claire.
So that's what I've been up to. I hope to post more frequently and remove the title of Worst Blogger EVER, but only time will tell!
Have you read any of the books I did this past weekend? What about Outlander?
Lake Winnipesaukee,
New Hampshire,
Tessa Marie,
Theresa Paolo,
Monday, June 1, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Movie Bucket List Monday: 30th Anniversary of The Breakfast Club
I've been drowning in edits so I already started slacking on my posts. Today I'd like to talk about a movie that isn't on my bucket list because I've watched it so many times I can recite it word for word.

A lot of people hate the cliche of the brain, the princess, the criminal, the athlete, the basket case, but honestly cliches exist, that's how they became a cliche in the first place. Watching that movie I can remember my own high school and think of a group that fit perfectly into each one of those cliches. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You lean towards people who have common interests with you. But the bigger picture of the movie is that you don't have to be stuck with that cliche. You can find common interests with anyone as long as you're willing to take a minute to get to know someone who maybe a little different than you. Believe in yourself enough to rise above your label.
Have you seen The Breakfast Club? Did you/do you fall into one of the cliches in high school? I probably fell into all of them.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Movie Bucket List Monday: Fast and The Furious 6
These movies tend to be my guilty pleasures. I always say I'm not going to watch them. It's going to be dumb. Completely unrealistic. But every time I turn one of these movies on, I am completely sucked in. Yes, there were many, so many, scenes that were completely unrealistic and had me going yeah okay sure, but despite the over the top action and car scenes, I liked the story.
I love how they are a family and how that encompasses everything that they do. I love the bonds between all of them, each different, but just as endearing. I especially love the connection between Vin Diesel's character, Dominic Toretto, and Michelle Rodriguez's, Letty. Though that just may be because I'm romance obsessed. Still I love the history and how he fights for her and that scene when they're in the parking lot and he's telling her how they first met *swoon* It was definitely a highlight for me and I may have rewatched it a few times.
Have you seen any of the Fast and the Furious movies? Do you like them? What movies are your guilty pleasures?
Sunday, February 8, 2015
MFEO Tourney Round Two!
Josh and Kat made it to round two of the MFEO Tourney for Fave Couple in a Steamy NA! I'm super excited. Please stop by here and give them a vote!
Friday, February 6, 2015
Cover Reveal Time!
I am so excited! Today is the cover reveal for Prove Me Wrong, my newest YA novel under my pen name Tessa Marie. I love this cover so much. Thank you to Rachel Schiefelbein and Allie Brennan for making my vision come to life.
Do you want to see it? It's so pretty! First a little something about the book:
Do you want to see it? It's so pretty! First a little something about the book:
A single secret changes everything.
With no college ambition—or desire to care—Luke Hannon’s ready to bail on school
before senior year even begins. But when he spots the hot new girl reading an
upside down map, he changes his mind.
Hailey Saldino desperately wants to start fresh at a school where she's free of the
snide remarks and hurtful stares. A place where no one knows her past…or her son,
Luke wants a no strings attached, physical relationship, until Hailey becomes more
than a cute girl in a skirt. Usually his bad boy reputation hooks the ladies but it
won't be enough to land a girl like Hailey. Needing a lasting approach, Luke decides
to be honest. No lies. No BS. As the connection between them deepens, Luke shares
all his shameful secrets.
Afraid to lose one of the few people who’s ever looked at her as something other
than a slut, Hailey buries herself in compounding lies. And when Hailey's purposeful
deceit blindsides Luke, he must decide if he'll walk away, or accept Hailey and the
little man she already loves.
OMG I love it!!!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Go Josh and Kat!
Josh and Kat from (Once) Again made it to the MFEO Tourney for favorite book couple in a steamy New Adult! I don't know who voted them in, but thank you! Voting in the category opens today, so if you are a fan of Josh and Kat, please go give them a vote here!
Friday, January 30, 2015
Fun Fact Friday: Exploding Bras
It's Friday! Am I the only one who looked forward to this day since last Friday? Today is also the first Fun Fact Friday! Each Friday I'm going to give you a fun fact about one of my books.
Have you read Beach Side Beds and Sandy Paths? If you have I'm sure you remember the bra exploding scene. If you haven't I pasted a little excerpt below. So this scene was written by the amazing Becca Ann (aka Cassie Mae). The inspiration for this scene was actually me. I have had a bra explode on me not once but twice. The first time was terrifying. I had no idea why my shirt was wet and why my skin was covered in gel. My coworker still laughs about it to this day. Yes, it happened at work!
The most recent happened on a day where everything was going wrong. I broke my car and then I broke my bra. Thank God my car broke because when I got home and took my coat off that's when I made the discovery. And I was wearing a brand new shirt! UGH! Cassie called me later that day and I confessed that my boob exploded. I should have known better. After she was done laughing she said that's going in a book! So here it is. The scene that was inspired by my misfortune.
“Ryan,” she breathes into my mouth.
I relax my hold on her waist, rest my forehead on hers, and listen to her heart
beat in tune with mine. She pulls me down so I’m flat against her, and her
boobs push against my chest, and next thing I know, our shirts are soaked.
“What the…?” I say, leaning up on
one arm.
Lex’s eyes bulge. “That wasn’t you,
was it?”
I can’t help but laugh. “Not
exactly the spot that happens, Lex.”
“Then what the crap…?” She shifts
underneath me, and I get back to my knees and rip my shirt off. I’m sticky all
across my chest.
Lex strips her shirt, and I’m
trying real hard not to think about her stomach, her cute bellybutton, her sexy
as hell cleavage, and her green bra… that seems to be…
“Uh…” I mumble as I point to the
goo oozing from the left side of her bra. She swipes a hand underneath it,
jelly-like crap collecting on her forefinger.
“Oh my gosh…what is this?”
I’m laughing, and she shoves me
back on my ass. She grabs my shirt and starts cleaning herself up, and I try to
get it away from her so she doesn’t completely ruin it with whatever is leaking
from her bra.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Whatcha Reading Wednesday!
It's the first Whatcha Reading Wednesday and I'm actually reading two books right now. It's been a busy few months as far as writing and I haven't had as much time to read as I usually like. So I've been reading these two books a little longer than usual.
First book I'm reading is Pride and Prejudice. I'm going to be honest, and if you followed past posts you would already know, classics are really not my thing. However, with that said, I'm actually
enjoying this one. I have yet to see the movie either so I really don't know what to expect. Everyone raves about Mr. Darcy but I haven't really had that much time with him yet. At 47% in he just popped back up, so I'm hoping for some swoonworthy reading soon.
The second book I'm reading is Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens. I had a friend gift it to me and she has been patiently waiting for me to read it. Normally I would rip into a book like this and devour it, but I've been struggling and I think it's because there's cheating in this book, and personally that turns me off, so it's been hard to push my personal feelings aside. However, I'm hoping the writing will draw me in and I'll be able to oversee the cheating aspect of the story. I'll know more next week.
I want to know Whatcha reading this Wednesday?
Monday, January 26, 2015
Movie Bucket List Monday!
I crossed another movie off of my Movie Bucket List this weekend. Have you ever seen or heard of Kalifornia? It stars Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis and David Duchovny, and no it is not his TV show Californication which was the first thing I said when someone told me I should add this one to my list.
This is definitely not a movie I would typically watch. It's a little more violent and graphic compared to my go to movies, but it was a really good story and I can appreciate that. Also Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis kicked major butt in their roles. Brad Pitt was so good in this role as a deranged, heartless, unstable killer that I didn't once look at him and say he's so freaking hot. I only saw him as his character and he was an ugly individual.
What the movie is about courtesy of IMDB: A journalist duo go on a tour of serial killer murder sites with two companions, unaware that one of them is a serial killer himself.
Will I watch it again? Nope. It's crossed off my list and I'll never look back. Would I recommend it? If you are someone who's into horror movies or road movies I'd definitely say check it out. If you lean more towards fluff and happily ever afters I'd say skip this one.
Side note: I thought this explained the whole Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis relationship, but it turns out they started dating three years before this movies release.
Currently on my DVR:
A River Runs Through It
Shawshank Redemption
It's a Wonderful Life
What movies are on your bucket list? Have you seen Kalifornia?
This is definitely not a movie I would typically watch. It's a little more violent and graphic compared to my go to movies, but it was a really good story and I can appreciate that. Also Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis kicked major butt in their roles. Brad Pitt was so good in this role as a deranged, heartless, unstable killer that I didn't once look at him and say he's so freaking hot. I only saw him as his character and he was an ugly individual.
What the movie is about courtesy of IMDB: A journalist duo go on a tour of serial killer murder sites with two companions, unaware that one of them is a serial killer himself.
Will I watch it again? Nope. It's crossed off my list and I'll never look back. Would I recommend it? If you are someone who's into horror movies or road movies I'd definitely say check it out. If you lean more towards fluff and happily ever afters I'd say skip this one.
Side note: I thought this explained the whole Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis relationship, but it turns out they started dating three years before this movies release.
Currently on my DVR:
A River Runs Through It
Shawshank Redemption
It's a Wonderful Life
What movies are on your bucket list? Have you seen Kalifornia?
Tessa Marie,
Theresa Paolo
Saturday, January 24, 2015
New Year New Schedule!
It's been a long time since I've blogged regularly and I've missed it. I have always been a huge fan of the blogger community. I've met so many amazing people just because of this little blog here. So starting Monday I will be back to posting weekly.
My biggest problem with blogging is coming up with things to write about and because of that I have decided to stick with three topics. Not to say I won't write about anything else because I'm sure I will but Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can now expect:
Movie Bucket List Monday: My last post I talked about my Movie Bucket List and I want to be able to share with you the movies I check off each week and my thoughts.
Whatcha Reading Wednesday will be what book I'm currently reading. And I would love for you to share your current read as well. Books are my life and there's nothing more I love than talking about them.
Fun Fact Friday, I will give you a fun fact from one of my books.
I'm excited to jump back in and I look forward to talking to old friends as well as making new :) !
My biggest problem with blogging is coming up with things to write about and because of that I have decided to stick with three topics. Not to say I won't write about anything else because I'm sure I will but Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can now expect:
Movie Bucket List Monday: My last post I talked about my Movie Bucket List and I want to be able to share with you the movies I check off each week and my thoughts.
Whatcha Reading Wednesday will be what book I'm currently reading. And I would love for you to share your current read as well. Books are my life and there's nothing more I love than talking about them.
Fun Fact Friday, I will give you a fun fact from one of my books.
I'm excited to jump back in and I look forward to talking to old friends as well as making new :) !
Thursday, January 22, 2015
My Movie Bucket List
Have you ever been in a situation where someone starts talking about a movie that's well known, and one that people assume everyone on the planet has seen, and you have to interrupt and admit you haven't. Yup, that happens to me all too often.
I mean so what if I haven't seen The Godfather or Gone with the Wind? I can't possibly be the last person in the world who hasn't seen Breakfast at Tiffany's or The Graduate. Right? And so what if I have promised myself every holiday season that it's the year I'll finally watch It's A Wonderful Life and then never do.
So in an effort not to be that person who gets the wide eyed stare of disbelief, I have decided to start a Movie Bucket List. As you can imagine it's pretty extensive. I have added movies that I personally feel like I should have seen already as well as taken recommendations from coworkers, family and friends.
I'm not going to list all 66 movies currently on the list, but I will list the ones I have been able to check off since I started the list.
1) Casablanca
2) Interview with the Vampire
3) Say Anything
4) Saving Mr. Banks
5) Holiday Affair
6) Ed Wood
7) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Not bad for starting only three weeks ago, right? Now I want to know if you are usually the one with the wide eyed stare of disbelief or the one getting the stare? What movie haven't you seen that you are almost embarrassed to admit? Any you think need to be on my list?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Anna Katmore's Dating Trouble!
Anna Katmore's Dating Trouble is out today!
A little about the book:
has never looked so hot…
wants Ethan, and Chris wants Sue.
to Ethan and intrigued by Chris, Susan Miller finds herself caught between
identical twin brothers at her school. When both of them start wooing her at
the same time, she only has to take her pick. Right? Wrong! Ethan is reluctant
to kiss her, and Chris wants her for the completely wrong reasons.
like his obliging and sweet brother, Chris Donovan has trouble written all over
him. He changes girls like other guys change t-shirts,
and the next trophy on his little list is Susan. That’s the last thing she
wants, yet she finds herself responding to all the goodnight texts and other
cheeky messages Chris sends. The guy has a way of getting under her skin like
no one ever has before.
long will it be until Susan falls for his smooth charm and gets herself into
more trouble than she can possibly handle? And where does that leave Ethan?
Love all the covers in this series!!!! Now time for the excerpt:
I opened the message and read: Not like a geek.
Who in the world was supposed to
make sense of that? Was there something missing? Scratching my head, I typed: What? And sent it off.
While waiting for his
explanation, I keyed in a quick update about tonight for Simone, but also added
Sam and Lisa to the receiver line. As soon as that text had gone out, my phone
started to ring. My first thought was that one of the girls had been really
quick to read my text and wanted to talk about it, but checking the display, it
said that a certain Arrogant dick had
dialed my number.
What in the world— “Chris, why
are you calling me?” I groaned into the phone. But I’d probably run right into
that one when I decided to respond to his text.
“To wish you a pleasant night
and to answer your question,” Chris replied with a chuckle.
An irritated sigh escaped me.
“Does your brother know that you’re talking to me?”
“No. He just came in…too soon
after he drove you home, if you ask me.” He added with a tease in his voice,
“Does that mean he, once again, didn’t kiss you?”
Teeth clenched, I snarled, “None
of your business.”
“Come on, it’s a simple yes or
no question.” An amused laugh drifted through the line. “I’ll sleep a lot
better if I know the answer.”
What did I care if he slept
well? “Why don’t you ask him yourself if you want to know so badly?”
“Okay… Since you told me to…”
There was a pause and the sound of a door opening which added ten extra degrees
to my blood. He wasn’t really going to— “Hey, Ethan!” Chris called out, cutting
my thought short. “Did you kiss Susan tonight?”
“No. Why?” The answer came from
far away. My heart sank with Ethan’s flat voice. Then a door banged shut
somewhere in Chris’s house.
“Ethan said no,” he rubbed it
in, as if I hadn’t heard the news myself. “I wonder why he didn’t.” His voice
had adopted a thoughtful edge that was one hundred percent fake. “Could it be
that he’s just not interested?”
Much as his suggestion stung, I
was wondering it myself. But it was too early to give up hope just yet. Third time’s a charm, the saying chanted
in my mind as I said to Chris, “FYI, he asked me on another date.”
“Aw, playing video games again?
Is that really your idea of a successful date?”
“We’re going to the movies.” And might play some video games before that,
but I didn’t mention it. “Your idea
of a successful date is probably coming out of your room with bed hair and a
messy shirt.”
Chris waited a second. There was
an unmistakable smirk in his tone when he purred in my ear, “I knew you noticed
that.” His voice became even lower and a quantum more seductive. “Did it bother
“Why the hell would it?”
“Because, for one,” Chris didn’t
hesitate a beat to explain, “I look exactly like my brother and, from what I
can tell, you’re totally into him. Means you’re totally into me, too. And two,
only one out of us seems to be dying to snatch a kiss from you these days.”
His explanation, or whatever the
heck that was, sent my thoughts into complete chaos. It was silent enough to
hear a pin drop in my room.
“You stopped breathing, Sue.”
There was, for once, not the slightest edge of teasing in his tone. Rather
astonishment. But that faded away quickly and a chuckle carried through the
line. “I guess that means you agree with me on both points.”
Did I? The likeness of the twins
was striking and not something one could overlook. Since I thought Ethan was
the cutest boy in the world, it would make sense to assume I thought the same
about Chris. Except that Chris was lacking charm, manners, courtesy, and my
fabulous taste in music. Although his singing “Stay” had stroked a sense of
admiration awake in me.
“Chris, tell me one thing,” I
whispered, not at all sure if I really wanted an answer. “You had the most beautiful
girl in your room this afternoon. Why do you want to kiss me?”
“Because Lauren, like most other
girls, is an easy catch.” After telling me this in the most nonchalant way, he
made a dramatic pause. “You, on the other hand, challenged me today—and in
front of my friends, too.”
“So you want me because you
can’t have me?”
“Who says I can’t have you?”
“I do.”
“Oh, okay. So yes, then I
definitely want you.”
His logic made me laugh, but
there was more frustration than humor ringing in it. “You need to understand
that I could never kiss a guy without having true feelings for him…which I
don’t have for you, Chris.”
“Really?” His voice went up like
he was scrunching up his face. “I’ve kissed more than twenty girls the past few
months, and it was lots of fun. But not one of them made me feel anything. Well, other than—”
“Stop it!” I shouted, squeezing
my eyes shut. “I don’t want to hear it.”
“Okay, okay,” he laughed.
“Anyway, there’s another reason why I want you.”
“What’s that?”
“You looked way hot in that dress today. Definitely not like a geek, which
should answer your question to begin with.” I thought he couldn’t sound any more
seductive than that, but a moment later, he proved me wrong, as his voice
dropped another notch and picked up a layer of heat. “If I’d been the one
driving you home tonight, I would have kissed you. And you would have liked
Chills ran down my back and arms
like a melting scoop of ice cream. Not unpleasant, but awkward, anyway.
“Sleep tight, sweetness,” he
breathed and hung up.
Get it here: Amazon
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