Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Year New Schedule!

It's been a long time since I've blogged regularly and I've missed it. I have always been a huge fan of the blogger community. I've met so many amazing people just because of this little blog here. So starting Monday I will be back to posting weekly.

My biggest problem with blogging is coming up with things to write about and because of that I have decided to stick with three topics. Not to say I won't write about anything else because I'm sure I will but Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can now expect:

Movie Bucket List Monday: My last post I talked about my Movie Bucket List and I want to be able to share with you the movies I check off each week and my thoughts.

Whatcha Reading Wednesday will be what book I'm currently reading. And I would love for you to share your current read as well. Books are my life and there's nothing more I love than talking about them.

Fun Fact Friday, I will give you a fun fact from one of my books.

I'm excited to jump back in and I look forward to talking to old friends as well as making new :) !