I finished reading Early to Death Early to Rise by Kim Harrison. I don't think I have wrote about it yet but if I have sorry if I repeat myself. I liked this book much better then the first book. It's a continuation of the first book starting right where the second one left off and at this point you know the story and it's easier to understand. However, I wish the boy Josh from the first book would have had more of a part in the second book but I'm sure there will be a third and he'll be back possibly with another boy. Possible love triangle I'm assuming. I'm now reading Evernight by Claudia Gray. I read forty pages in a half hour, I really like it so far, my type of book for sure.
Even though I have a ton of books I have yet to start reading I went to the book store yesterday and purchased more. I have a sick obsession.
Each of the above recieved great reviews so I'm hoping I won't be disappointed. I love the Twilight Series and The Short Life of Bree Tanner while apart of the series I'm afraid I may not like it as much. I mean there is no Edward and Bella romance and that is what makes the books so enjoyable and addicting. However, I'm not going to judge until I read it and when I do I will let you know what I think.
As far as the search for an agent goes I'm still coming up empty. I no longer get a rejection a day but nothing and honestly I don't know what is worse. I actually was happy to get the rejections since I felt I wasn't ignored or discarded I was considered enough for them to tell me it's just not their taste. Sounds dumb I know but hey it made me happy to think that way. Now though with no answers, no emails it's kind of depressing. I need to send out more queries but I am running out of agents of Writersmarket.com I'm going to have to find a new resource. Anywho I am working on both my books The Hallways of Hell and Forever Yours and I also started writing a screenplay. Yes I am all over the place but that is how I work. There is always a method to my madness and without my madness I wouldn't be me.
I guess I will end this with another excerpt from my book Forever Yours:
“Your heart was in it with us and I broke it and now you’re scared to open up again. That’s why you won’t let me back in? Why you shot me down on Thanksgiving?” Steve stopped walking again and looked Lisa straight in her eyes.
“What are we supposed to do? Go back to the way things were? We can’t. It’ll never be the same. Too much has happened. I’m not that love struck fifteen year old girl anymore. You don’t even know who I am.”
“I know exactly who you are, because I know somewhere deep down inside of you is a love struck fifteen year old girl dying to come out. And there is a love struck seventeen year old boy inside of me wishing he could make things right again so he can get back the girl he is so madly in love with.” Steve moved closer to Lisa ready to take her in his arms, ready to do away with the gap he caused between them.
“That just may be the case, but there is also a sixteen year old girl inside of me who will never forget the pain you caused.” Lisa gave Steve a look that summed it all up. He destroyed any chance for them when he ended things and especially when he decided to let months pass before he came after her. Steve was defeated again. Lisa gave him one last look and then she walked away leaving him alone on the beach. She always knew how to say and do just the right thing to leave him with little or no hope.
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