Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Characters and Real Life

Yesterday I talked about Nora Roberts and her characters. Today I'm sticking with the theme of characters. Next week I go back to work for the first time in four months. Scary? Yes. I worked the same job for ten years so going into a new job is terrifying. However, I'm excited. I worked with the same personalities for ten years. I didn't get to interact with new people unless you count talking on the phone which to me isn't the same as talking one on one in person. Now I'm going to meet new people, pick up on new quirks and possibly find inspiration for my writing.

There are so many different types of people in the world, but when you are caught up in the bubble of your life, sometimes you miss out on them. The more people you know, the more people you come across, the more likely you will be able to create distinct characters. I'm always afraid of having cardboard cutout characters, or even worse not being able to tell the difference between my characters. So I am taking this new job as not only a step in the right direction in regards to my degree, but also as a step in the right direction for my writing.

When you create characters, do you infuse them with quirks from people you have come across? Or do you make it all up? Have you ever met a person with such a strong personality you knew you had to turn them into a character in one of your WIP's?


  1. I've usually taken personalities, quirks, habits etc from people I know. People around me tend to inspire characters and a whole story for them. But I also try and merge different people into one character just so nobody reads and thinks 'hey, the cheeky sod wrote about me!'

    1. Ha! It's so true. You want to use personalities, quirks and so on of people you know but then you don't want them to really know you based a character on them because then any bad flaws about the character whether theirs or not won't sit so well with them lol. I like the merging of different people!

  2. I never knowingly take traits from people I've met, but sometimes I read stories back and I realise some characters have certain qualities of people I've known.

    1. I love when that happens. You have no idea you did it but you did. lol. I've done that so many times :)

  3. I've never based a character solely on a person I know. So I don't think anyone could recognize him/herself in my work. But I've certainly gotten ideas of quirks from real people. Others are totally made up.

    We should strive to make unique personalities, but sometimes in reading, I come across characters that are so over the top, they're not believable. Maybe it's just because most of the people I know are boring. Okay, that's totally not true. But I just don't have people in my life who are so so quirky, so overly dramatic,so out there, and when I see characters like that in writing, I just don't get them. It's almost like they have no normal in them.

    Of course another peson might have their lives filled with real people like that--it's not like they don't exist--they just don't exist in my life.

    I guess I just prefer the more subtle quirks. And my point is that you need balance.

    Do you tend to like super quirky, over the top dramatic characters? Or do you like their quirks more subtle?

    Good luck with the new job.

    1. I like their quirks to be subtle like cracking their fingers when they're nervous or having their lip twitch when they lie. Unless their personality calls for a more over the top dramatic quirk I like to keep it simple. I think all people boring or not (lol) have something they do that sets them apart from everyone else. But I have met some very interesting, over the top people and think I need to turn them into a character then my next thought is always but nobody would believe it. Ha!

      And I agree 100% you need balance. If you have a character that is over the top it's best not to have several because then to me at least it becomes unbelievable. Loved your insight :)

  4. I love meeting people who surprise me :) I think most of my characters are based at least a little on people I know.

    1. Me too I think that is the best part of meeting people, the unexpected :)

  5. When I'm creating a story, I have to pay extra attention to my characters, otherwise I'll always fall into the same bubble ... shy girl, rude boy, cocky antagonist, and such.
    I have a list of my characters from all my manuscripts so I know I'm not accidentally repeating anyone ;)

    1. Keeping a list of your characters is a great idea! I'm going to steal that :)

  6. Fun post!

    I totally infuse my characters with quirks from people I know... it's the only way I can make sure they're "real," you know? Same thing with emotions and using real life experiences... it really helps bring life from the page ;)

    1. Exactly! You know it's realistic because you have proof in a way and it's not too far fetched.

  7. I think I'd probably go the route that Robin mentioned: create characters that are a patchwork quilt of different personalities that you know. That could get really awkward if you leaned to much toward one person in a character that you've created. I think you're right when you say that the more types of people you meet, the more experience you have to draw from when dreaming up characters. Great post :D

    1. Seriously awkward. The first books I ever wrote were based on me and my friends when we were teens and now I'm like oh god what if I let them read it and didn't paint them the way they imagined even if it wasn't based on them 100% So those are now shelved lol

  8. I definitely give them quirks from people I know. I guess I'm not creative enough--although sometimes I do make up some pretty snazzy details, I guess. :)

    1. I think the snazzy details can be the best part of a book :)

  9. Aloha Theresa,

    Thanks for stopping by - and what a cool idea to have friends and family sign your grandpa's autogragh book. Talk about making memories :)

    WIP is a memoir, so my characters are who they are, but I am looking forward to WIP 2 when I can let loose :)

    1. Hi Mark. I feel like because I'm not from Hawaii I can't get away with the Aloha lol.

      I think a memoir would be the hardest thing to write. You have to make sure all of your details are accurate and the amount of research that goes into it, Wow! I look forward to picking it up at my local bookstore one day :)

  10. They're all based on quirks from people I know. I've made some stuff up, and no one is exactly like someone I know, but I really do base them on people.

    Happy Hump Day!
    My D

    1. I think sometimes you do it without even realizing it too. It's like having a base to build up on.

      Happy Hump Day :)

  11. Good luck on your new job! That will be so fun meeting new people...sizing them for upcoming characters in your books:) Sounds awesome!

  12. SO excited for you and your new job!! I'm sure its going to be great.

    And I don't really relate my characters to anyone in particular that I know when I'm writing. But I do make sure to give them all their own quirks, ways of speaking, etc. (Or at least I do my best too.)

    You HAVE to tell me how the job goes ;)
