Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Can't Come Up With A Title!

I've been reading a great deal lately. I have taken a break from YA and have been reading my other favorite genre, contemporary romance. I can devour those books in one sitting. Most of the time they are predictable, but sometimes I like predictable. Going into these books I know I will be satisfied with the ending and I'll be left with a smile.

The three authors I have been devouring these last few weeks are Nora Roberts, Kristan Higgins and Susan Mallery. I love all three of them. I just have to say if you want to laugh out loud read Kristan Higgins Too Good To Be True. I still crack up thinking about it. Anywho I'm going to turn my attention to Nora Roberts.

I don't think there is any reader in the world who hasn't heard of Nora Roberts. She's been around for a long time. She doesn't write beautiful, literary fiction, she's a storyteller and a darn good one if you ask me. What amazes me about her is the number of books she has written. In two weeks she will be releasing her 200th book! 200th!!! To me whether you like her or not this is a huge accomplishment. For an aspiring writer trying to get published this blows my mind. Not only did she get published, she has gotten published two hundred times! Could you imagine?

I've read a ton of her books and I notice sometimes they have the same layout, but the characters are always different and I think that is what draws me in. I just finished the Stanislaski series and I fell in love with the family she created. They were so real I could picture the family sitting down for one of their big family dinners laughing and yelling. Each character had their own traits, their own quirks something that set them apart from the others. I think this is why she has been so successful. She has a way with her characters and she is able to make them jump off the page.

I'm taking a page in her book and trying to make my characters as real as possible. You can lose those little things that make your characters come to life when you are so focused on getting words on the page. As I edit I'm going in and adding the little things. Things that seem so unimportant are the things that will make your story and your characters stand out among the rest.

Have you read Nora Roberts? Do you think you have it in you to write 200 books? And what about characters. Do you believe it's the little things that make them standout?


  1. 200 books is incredible! It seems like every time I look her up, Nora Roberts has another book coming out! I have read a few, but I am not crazy about books that all follow a similar theme. Josephine Cox has also made a career out of doing the same thing, though IMO, Cox's characters aren't nearly as interesting.

    That said, I will always pick up a Nora Roberts book if I see one, and even if there are similarities to others, I can guarantee I won't be able to put it down!

    1. You really can't put her books down once you start reading. It's crazy. I read five of her books in a week. lol.

  2. Wow, 200?! I'd like to believe I have 200 in me, but I guess it depends on whether or not I get published one of these days, haha. I know I don't have 200 rejected MSs in me...

    1. Ha I love that. I don't think I have 200 rejected MS's in me either. That would be awful. lol :)

  3. Wow, 200 books! I've never read anything by Nora Roberts, actually, but it must be good stuff! As for characters, I'm having the same trouble with my secondary characters--they need to be more rounded out, but I'm so busy getting the story down that their development may have to come later!!

    1. My problem was with secondary characters too and now with my newest WIP I have really focused on them and I think they are more interesting than my MC's. That can't be good. lol

  4. I think Danielle Steel is right there with Nora Roberts, isn't she? I know she wrote more than 100 books for sure.
    Ms. Roberts has a fascinating career. I can't imagine myself writing 200 books ... I wish I could though lol

    1. I think she is but I have actually never read Danielle Steel.

  5. I'd like to think I could write half that one day! But right now it sounds daunting and the five stories I have swimming around in my head look measly. :)

    I've never read Nora Roberts. My reading has gone through phases: MG, some YA then took a break as a teen from reading, then picked it up as an adult with True Crime books, then James Patterson and Mary Higgins Clark books, then dabbled in Christian historical fiction, then read Twilight series and am hooked on YA (mostly paranormal). Adult contemporary romance has yet to enter the list. ;)

    1. You're like me. I went through phases too. First Adult romance then James Patterson then YA contemporary then Twilight then paranormal then contemporary only, now anything lol. The first Nora Roberts book I read I couldn't finish. I was too young to relate to the characters but now since I'm older I can enjoy the stories.

  6. Yes, I do love her books. They are very captivating and she really knows how to capture the readers.

    1. She really does! Her books really suck you in.

  7. 200 books is crazy! I enjoy her stories.

  8. I haven't read Nora Roberts...

    200 books. 200 stories. 200 tales with characters that jump off the page. THAT is incredible.

    Gosh, I just want to get #1, then we'll shoot for the next :)

    1. HA I'm right there with you. Just 1. That's all. lol :)

  9. I love so many aspects of Nora's writing, and even though it's a little formalistic and predictable at times, her characters are fantastic.

    1. Her characters are and even though it's predictable I like knowing the characters will have a happy ending :)
