The Count down begins!!
Get your pitches ready for the Dust It Off Bloghop! And if you haven't signed up don't worry there is still time.
We've all had those manuscripts that we poured our heart into, fell in love with the characters and still think of them at random, but unfortunately had to shelf. Now it's time for a little spring cleaning. Take out those manuscripts and Dust It Off!
May 3rd starts us off:
We want you to post a 1-2 sentence pitch (Great way to practice pitches) about the shelved WIP.
The Dust It Off Bloghop will be three days, May 3rd, 5th and 7th. Hope to see you there.
Now that is out of the way, let's talk Downton Abbey. Did I just see a few of you sit up straighter in your chairs? Rightfully so. This is a show to talk about. Have you seen it?
I'm halfway through season two and it's taking all my will power not to leave my desk, park my rear on my couch and finish out the season. First off I'm a huge history buff so combine that with forbidden love affairs, manipulative servants, and family drama and you have my dream show.
I don't want to give much away for those who have yet to watch it, but I will say it was a show I picked up on DVD after hearing all the buzz and while buzz tends to let me down this time it didn't. The first episode of the first season starts with the sinking of the Titanic and how it affects the family of Downton Abbey. As the season moves on the fear of War becomes a pressing issue and in season 2 we step into WWI. Again you see the effects this event has, but not just on the family but on the servants as well.
The thing I love the most about the show is that they don't focus just on the family of the house or just on the servants that make the house run smoothly. It focuses on both. It is the perfect combination and when I watch the scenes with the servants I feel like I'm getting a peek behind the scenes. I get to see what the family doesn't. With so many characters it's a wonder to keep track of them, but after the first episode you will know everyone and have strong opinions about them.
So in the comments let's talk Downton Abbey. First lesson for those that have not had the chance to watch, it is DownTON Abbey not Downtown- I made that mistake. We all did, right?