Thursday, March 22, 2012

Closet Cleaning and Editing.

Last week I began to clean out my closet. For some people this may be a nothing thing. Something they do once a year. For me this never happens. My boyfriend tells me I hoard clothes. He once told me he was going to come home to an avalanche of clothes on the closet floor and I'd be under it, an Ugg boot sticking out. I always told him he was overreacting until I dove in head first, literally. I tripped over a pocketbook and went tumbling in. The disaster I was faced with seemed much worse from the disaster I was pretending it not to be. I have a picture. I'm a little mortified by it, but we're all friends here.
This is one tiny section. My closet is six and a half by five and a half. A dream come true to a girl who grew up in a bedroom that was only nine by nine. However, my amazing closet I couldn't wait to have, isn't doing any good for me by being completely filled to the brim with clothes I should have thrown out a long time ago. The avalanche of jeans at the top consist of forty five pairs. Yes forty five pairs of jeans and this does not include dress pants, skirts, corduroys, shorts, capris, cargo pants, you get the picture. I have jeans from seventh grade. My excuse: they still fit. But just because they fit doesn't mean I should keep them.

Three garbage bags later, and I will admit not one single pair of jeans made it into those bags, and I walked away for the day. I got to the point where I was saying things like, "But I just got rid of so much, I can keep this." "It might come back in style." "It'll fit me again one day." I've been saying this for years. I have a hard time letting go. I hold on to everything. I'm afraid of change and I'm afraid to just give in to my instincts. But when I tossed (donated) three garbage bags full of clothes I felt amazing. I was so relieved to just get rid of the stuff that has been weighing down the vision of my perfect closest. It was liberating and now I have room for clothes that I want to wear instead of clothes I look at and know I will never choose. You're probably wondering what does this have to do with writing. A lot actually.

I've been editing a few of my manuscripts and I've come to realize I edit the way I clean out my closet. I'm so scared to scrap an entire page, can't even think of an entire chapter, I hold back and make excuses for why I think it works just because I'm terrified of deleting something I worked so hard on. The funny thing. I know I'm not doing myself any favors. I know if I give in and go for it, the outcome will be satisfying and I will be so pleased with it. So why am I still holding back?

I need to change my mindset. If something doesn't fit or if something doesn't make you look your best get rid of it. It clears out the mediocre and clears the way for the spectacular.I need to keep repeating this.

The pair of jeans that I left in my closet because hey maybe they will fit me better one day is the same thing as me leaving the paragraph that does nothing for my story. Just because it sounds pretty or I remember writing it, doesn't mean it should stay. It's so easy to say it. The hard part is following through and actually hitting that delete button. I'm going to work on it.

What's your editing style? Do you hit delete with a vengeance? Or are you like me? Scared to let go?


  1. That is one incredible closet! I kind of want to get in there and have a look around lol!

    As for editing, I am brutal, perhaps more than I should be. I see words that don't work and scrap them, only to find that I was a little harsh, and probably should have kept some of them!

    1. You might never come out again lol.

      You're the total opposit of me. lol. But I can take a little from you and you can take a little from me and then we could have a happy medium :)

  2. Wow Theresa! That is one insane closet!!! I want to see after pictures :)

    Usually I'm pretty open with editing. Especially if someone else suggests I change/cut something. Because...

    Usually before I even send it to them I'm thinking that I should change/cut that part but I don't want to. For all the reasons you mention above.

    Then I get the critique back and I can't ignore it any longer. What I thought should be change is suggested by someone else as well. It will make the story better so I do it.

    And I 'donate' that part to another story which isn't written yet. (Aka, save it in a file to perhaps be used at a different time.)

    Great post girl! Love the analogy!

    1. The after pictures may take a long while. lol.

      I'm more willing to change/cut something when someone suggests it. Like with you, we always seem to be on the same page and it always works because I always agree with your suggestions. It's when I have to do it myself when I start getting hesitant.

      I like donating parts of the story though. That's a great idea. Makes it not so hard to get rid of it because technically you're not. You are only saving it for a place where it will fit better. Nice!

  3. I delete, but then save under a file called "extras"'s letting go with a safety net!

    1. I'm totally stealing this idea. I love the idea of having a safety net. Thanks :)

  4. Go you, that's a huge undertaking! And I hold on to those pants too. I have a whole box full of cute pants from high school that I can't seem to get rid of!!! :D *someday*

    I'm with Elizabeth. I have an outtakes file, so nothing I delete is every really lost. But I know it's hard to cut those scenes. I always look at the big picture and determine whether the scene is absolutely essential, whether it moves my story along or just bogs it down. Then I kill my darlings. :) Or move them to another file, anyway.

    1. Huge undertaking, probably why I have yet to finish it. lol. One day. I just have to keep saying it. Actually I should stop saying it and just jump back in.

      I can't believe I never thought of an outtakes file. This is why I blog. Love it. Thanks :)

  5. Forty...
    I think you just crashed my brain.

    I don't edit. I make sure I get it right the first time. :P

    1. I'm seriously laughing out loud! Ha! Yeah I have a problem when it comes to clothes. lol. I'm not even going to count how many shirts I own.

      I wish I could get it right the first time. That would be awesome! I always think I do, but then after a few read throughs and a few critiques I realize I'm wrong and I have a ton of work ahead of me.

    2. Well...
      I wasn't quite serious about getting it right the first time. I do edit as I go, though, so that helps.

    3. I thought you were joking but on the off chance you weren't I didn't want to be rude and call you crazy :) lol. I have started to edit as I go along, it takes longer, but the end result is so much easier to deal with it.

    4. It is easier to deal with. And I find it more efficient, too.

      I wouldn't take it as rude to be called crazy. There's probably an 87% chance that I am.

  6. This is such a good analogy. But what about when it comes time for a re-write? I guess that would be a What Not To Wear moment. This may have worked once, but it's time for a new you! Scary thinking about that. I'm in the middle of a re-write right now though, and it's the best thing that's ever happened to my manuscript. If only someone would give me a couple grand to re-write my closet!

    1. Ha!What Not to Wear Moment that is awesome. Rewrites are a scary thing,but the end result is always the best. Good luck with yours. And the couple grand for a closet rewrite would be really nice :)

  7. I'm scared to let go, but am finding it much easier now that I've changed the POV from third to first (makes a lot of it have to go).

    1. That's a huge overhaul I give you so much credit :) I don't even know how I'd go about doing that.
