Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where to Start?

I can honestly say, every single one of my manuscripts I started in the wrong place. Either I start too far into the story and fill the pages with back story, or I start way too early and fill the pages with unnecessary information. It's something I never realize until my CP's point it out to me, then I smack myself on the forehead.

My current WIP I started with the main character a girl who is the subject of bullying walking the halls of school, listening to the taunts and explaining about what happened at a party that caused everyone to go against her. When I should have started it where the story began. At the party! It seems like a no brainer, right? Well it took me three critiques and a comment from my mom to make me finally realize, I need to make a change.

I rewrote the first chapter, starting at the party and I honestly believe it made a world of difference. We'll see for sure when I jump back into querying.

So my question is, how do you know if you are starting in the right place? Do you ever really know?


  1. I have had this problem in the past, but generally speaking, I try to remember the advice of the wonderful Angela Cothran. The story should begin when something changes. :)

  2. I think you only know if you're starting at the right place after you write the whole thing and send it out to CPs, or give it some time and come back to it to reread it with critical eyes. There's no magical formula for that, I'm afraid ... and I do the same thing. I think most of us do the same thing ;)

    1. You're right no matter what you always think you're starting in the right place. A magical formula would be nice though :)

  3. Kyra said it right(or Angela since Kyra was quoting her.:)) The story should begin when something changes. That's exactly what you have now. Where everything changes.

    I've only had one story that I've queried, but I was confident about its starting point. My mc was going home with her new foster family.

    Now when I first wrote it, I had too many other things wrong, back story, too much internalization, no action. But I think I got that right now... I hope.

    1. I have it right now (hopefully), thanks to you and my other CP's! Sometimes there are things you just can't see. Thank god I discovered CP's or I'd still be at square 1!

  4. I did that a lot on my first manuscripts. I've gotten better but it all depends on where their character wants me to start, then during editing I slice it down.

    1. Characters usually have the overall say for me too! They can be very demanding lol :)

  5. I've had to have CP's *cough* tell me I started in the wrong place. So far I think only one book has ended up beginning where I planned for it to. That's why I'm glad my CP's are such smart people. ;0) Oh I'm dying to read RR.

    1. Nothing ever goes as planned lol.

      And very, very soon ;)

  6. I had to restart mine because I knew it wasn't in the right place. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut instinct.

    Left something on my blog for you!

    1. I have to start trusting my gut a little more.

      YAY I'm hopping over now!
