Monday, June 4, 2012

Marketing Plan, do you have one?

Maybe it's because I have a degree in Marketing or maybe I just like to waste time, but I love to come up with marketing plans for my manuscripts. Am I the only one who does this? Probably. The rest of you are likely writing while I'm day dreaming about promoting my book on the chance the moons align and I get published. Not that I will ever stop day dreaming.

The marketing opportunities for writers are endless especially with the whole world embracing social media. Now with the click of a button you can interact with someone in New York and someone in India at the same time. How awesome is that? Twenty years ago this wasn't possible.

Twitter, Facebook, Blogging, Pintrest so many awesome ways to promote your book and most importantly interact with readers and other writers. And I emphasis the importance of interacting. If you use social media only to promote your book, I will stop following you. You want people to like you, to want to read your book, not to black list you for being annoying. I can't tell you how excited I get, as a 27 year old, when one of my favorite authors tweets me back. I want to print that tweet out and hang it on my fridge. A simple tweet that took all of two seconds and it made my day. Social media is a huge opportunity for writers and aspiring writers as long as it is used with more than the intent of promotion. Believe it or not, interaction is key in a marketing plan. I can't wait to see what the future holds for social media.

Do you come up with marketing plans for your manuscripts? And do you agree with me about social media?

(This post went in a totally different direction than I was planning) 


  1. I agree, Social media is a tremendous resource for authors looking to connect with their readers. And yes, I do dream about . . . plot out . . . fantasize about marketing my books one day :)

  2. Nope. But I know who to call now when I need one.

    And yes. (About the social media.) Interaction is the key.

  3. I feel the same way as you when an author tweets me back. I get a little too giddy. :) I also find it horribly annoying when social media is used only for peddling books.

    I haven't given much thought to marketing aside from making sure I have some kind of online presence, but it's probably wise to have some idea when you're querying. Don't some (many?) agents ask what ideas you have for marketing?

  4. I'm still struggling through the whole marketing aspect. Actually, I hate it, and I wish I had someone else to do it for me. It's the only reason I'd want a publisher or an agent.

  5. I don't, but my hubby does! He's so awesome the way he thinks of so many ideas... hahaha... now to just take that next step in the publishing business... ;)

  6. I've watched other authors promote their books, and I learn from them about what works and what doesn't. There's lots of opportunities on the internet these days. Definitely have to make good use of them!

  7. Yes yes yes! Well sort of. I work in PR and we do a LOT with social media. I spend a lot of time daydreaming about this. I'd love to see a book with a FABULOUS Pinterest campaign.

  8. I totally agree!!! Interaction is the key. I too find it annoying when the only tweets I ever see from a person are about his/her work.

  9. With my current WIP (Already There) I've been kinda crazy with thinking into the future. About blogs and designs and stuff. Also little promotional things too. So I'm not sure why this book is different but it has my brain going crazy.
