Friday, June 29, 2012

Back on My Bike!

If you remember a post I wrote months back, you would know I was scared to get back on my bike. You can read that post and see a pretty gross bruise here. Well I'm happy to say I pushed past the fear this weekend and on Sunday I was back on the trails.

I learned I am out of shape. One hill and I was gasping for air, downing water like I was in the Sahara. But when I wasn't on the verge of dying, I loved every second of it. Just being in the middle of the woods, ripping down these trails, dodging trees and watching squirrels run alongside of me felt amazing. Even came pretty close to a mama deer and a baby deer. (Can you see them in the pic)

It's easy to let fear keep you from doing things, the hard part is refusing to let the fear run your life. It's the same way I feel about writing. Starting a new WIP or querying. There is no denying that querying is a scary time. Every time I send a query my heart stops, and then after I send I panic that something went wrong. Then the fear continues as I wait for a response. And when the response comes the fear escalates to new heights. But what's the alternative? Stop doing what I love because I'm scared. No way! Not going to happen. I refuse to let fear hold me back!

Is there anything you were scared to do and then once you did it you were happy you did? Even if you looked like this:


  1. Good for you! I just got on a bike this summer for the first time in a while too. More so because we just didn't have bikes, but now the kids are old enough to ride longer distances.

    We don't have much for tree covered trails around here, have to drive somehere to get to that. Instead we like to bike down the street to Dairy Queen. Or Cherry Berry, which is now close too.

    I will go check out your bruise picture/posting now.

    1. Biking is actually so much more appealing with a Dairy Queen at the end! lol

  2. Good for you, Theresa! I wish I was as brave as you. :) If I could remove one single fear, it'd be the one that keeps me from getting my license. I'm terrified of getting into (causing?) and accident, and because of that I haven't gotten my license. You've inspired me to at least think about it now. :)

    1. I was hesitant to get my license when I was younger, but when I called my friend one day and she was at the store alone and drove there by herself because she felt like going, it was the turning point for me. I needed to have that freedom. It's amazing. I say go for it!

  3. Yay for you! Looks like tons of fun. I love riding on bikes.

    Learning to drive a stick. (Which I am still muddling through.) it scares the crap out of me. But we are taking the stick to Dland and I have to help drive. So I must. I must overcome my fears.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. You can put that on my list as well. My bf has been trying to get me to drive stick for the past 9 years! I've tried, I did horrible then okay but the thought of getting stuck on a hill heck no! lol Sorry this isn't helping.

      But he and all my other friends/family who drive stick had no choice, but to learn and now they're pros. So I'm sure by the end of your trip you'll be zipping around all over town!

      And you too!!! :)
