Saturday, September 3, 2011

Delicious by Susan Mallery

Delicious (The Buchanans)As I'm sure you already know I love YA books. I love to read them and I also write them. What you might not know is I am a sucker for Romance novels as well. One of my new favorite romance writers is Susan Mallery. After reading her Lone Star Sister Series I knew I had to read more of her work. I continued with Delicious the first book in The Buchanans Series and just like the other series it starts off with a bang.

Quick overview from Susan Mallery's Website:
Cal Buchanan needs a top-flight chef to take over his failing Seattle restaurant, The Waterfront. He can afford to hire the best in town--the only problem is that the best happens to be his ex-wife, Penny Jackson.
Penny really needs this opportunity, but she doesn't need the distraction of working with her ex. She's sworn off romance--she's even having a baby on her own. But before she knows it, the heat is on...and the attraction between her and Cal moves from a low simmer to a full boil!
The rest should be easy as pie, but a secret from Dessert Cal's past could spoil everything. Maybe it's true that too many cooks spoil the broth--or maybe two is enough to make it irresistible.

Right off the bat you know there is going to be tension and sexual chemistry since the two main characters were once married. I loved how she took that direction. It was different because it wasn't the initial love story that brought them together but a love story about bringing them back together. What made it interesting was the fact that Penny is pregnant and the whole concept of pregnancy was the factor in their relationships demise in the first place.

I like how Penny is a take no BS from anyone type of character yet she still has a soft edge to her. I loved how she remained best friends with Reid a notorious playboy and Cal's younger brother, through the years.

I like Cal. Not as much as I wanted to but he is a good match for Penny. The secret that he was holding on to for so long was what ultimately allowed him to let Penny walk away but it was something I thought he should have been able to share with her from the beginning. They were married after all. Then again without it there would be no story to tell.

I hated Cal's grandmother Gloria. The things that she said had my mouth dropping to the floor and my eyes bulging, though Penny can hold her own and I loved when she finally did.

Susan Mallery focuses the book on Penny and Cal but at the same time gives you insight to the other characters that will eventually have their own time in the spotlight. So of course I couldn't wait to pick up the next book in the series. I'll be posting the review for Irresistible tomorrow and the review for Sizzling on Monday.

Are there any other romance fans out there? If so who are your favorite romance writers? Leave your comments below and if Blogger allows me I'll comment back.

Currently Reading
The Hunger Games

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