The summer is starting to wind down and all of the events I have been planning for months have either been here and gone or are just on the horizon. My friend and co-worker got married this past weekend. I was one of her bridesmaids and after a year of talking about seating arrangement,s hair, catering hall and menu and it's over. It never stops to amaze me how long you can plan for something and how quickly that something ends.
This weekend I will be spending in Southampton for another friends bachelorette party. It should be an absolute blast. I haven't been able to lay out in the sun all summer, sit by a pool and read a book or go to a club so I am ecstatic over this weekend. Then after that is my Grandmother's birthday party in which my dad has set up as a surprise with her sisters and brother in laws that she hasn't seen in awhile. My cousin and his girlfriend will be staying for another weekend so I obviously still have a lot going on in the few weekends left of summer. Then I will be back in school in September to finish out my Bachelor's degree.
I also bit the bullet and put in for an internship at a literary agency in the city. I highly doubt that I will get it. I'm a marketing major with a full time job, but I figured it was a step in the right direction. I have off Tuesdays and Thursdays which is their prefered time to have the intern in the office granted I have night classes both days but if by some miracle I got the internship I know I could work it out. Like I said highly unlikey but there is always wishful thinking.
I'm ready for a change. I've worked for the same company since I was 16 years old and there is no place for me to advance. It's dead end job a complete and total dead end and it is time for me to start making changes. It really puts a damper on your mood when you wake up everyday and go to a job you can't stand. I worked with a girl who was 19 and she just left the company moved to California and is going to college there. We were really close in the short time we worked together and I guess you can say she inspired me. Talking to her, being around her she reminded me of everything I used to be and everything I wanted to be. I got lost somewhere along the way and I want to discover the old me again. I want to be the girl with the big dreams and the determination to leave my current job. I got sucked up in the stability and the familiarness of it all that I forgot the #1 thing, my happiness. So here's looking forward to a new and exciting change.
On the book side of things, I left my parents house with a bag full of books and then proceeded to go to Barnes and Nobles only to leave with another bag of books. I just finished the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series and am on to the second. Will write about them when I finish the first four. So the books I have to look forward to reading are:
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