Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Light Show

I did more than get my tree on my birthday. I also went to a drive-thru light show. It is sponsored by our local Girl Scouts as well as several other local businesses. It is fifteen dollars a carload and it is only open for the month of December. This is my second time going. The first time I went it was its first year and I'll just say it was less than stellar. This year amazing! They even gave us these glasses to put on that created a kaleidoscope effect. I had to insist my dad take them off why he was driving. It was trippy and even made me nauseous so eventually I had to take them off as well. I tried to get pictures, some are blurry but I tried. Enjoy.

And this is a picture through the glasses that they provided. Imagine going through a tunnel of lights with these babies on.

Have you done any fun Holiday activities (Couldn't think of a better word)?


  1. I went and saw A Christmas Carol at our local community theater. That was cute.

    Those lights look lovely :)
