Thursday, November 18, 2010

And Let the Querying Begin

Now that I have completed and revised another book I am back to querying. In the beginning I was very optimistic especially when after my brutally honest mom finished reading my manuscript and told me "this is it, this is the one" but after already recieving four form rejection letters my optimism is dwindling. This is a rough business to try and break into and each day it gets harder and harder. If it's not a rejection it's the waiting and the waiting and the waiting. The waiting is by far the worst. I don't know how my computer has not exploded from my countless refreshing of my mail page.  However, I am so confident in this book that I will not allow the rejections to knock down my spirit. It's just all part of the game. I just need to wait for the right agent to come along. Fingers crossed that it will be sooner rather than later.

Now that I have finished my newest book I want to start on something else. I have gone through my notebook of book ideas and several have stood out, but I'm not sure where I want them to go. So I think for now I'm going to do what I hate, wait and see what idea randomly pops in my head one day since that has always seemed to work best for me in the past. I am also still working on two other books, but they have always been the books I work on when I have writers block with another book. I'm all over the place, but for me it works. Also I am thinking about crossing over to paranormal romances since I have several ideas and even though have never written one love to read them. Again we'll see.

Crescendo (Hush, Hush)
Really what I have to do is spend some time catching up on reading. I had to have Crescendo when it came out and regret to say I have only read thirty pages. However, my mom read it and told me it ends pretty open and I know there is going to be a third book so I'm hesitant because I know I'm going to want more and will have to wait forever to get it. These series are driving me crazy but I love them. Hush Hush was a great first book and going into a second book there is always that fear that it will not be as good as the first one.

That's all for now. I hope to have some good news in the future. My fingers have been crossed for so long that I am scared they will become permanently stuck and if they do so be it. A small price I'd have to pay for achieving my dream.


  1. Hey babes, don't let waiting or a rejection get you down...keep on trekking, you'll get your FINAL reward, and i'm sure you'll be content. *kisses*

  2. Thanks Aubs I really needed that :)
