Monday, March 10, 2014

My Writing Process Blog Tour

Thank you to the awesome Juliette Cross for inviting me to participate in the Writing Process Blog Tour! Juliette is my agent sister and you can check out her post here.

A little bit about Juliette:
JULIETTE is a southern writer with a love of sensual settings, snarky heroines, and dangerous men. Her NA urban fantasy romance debut begins with the Nightwing Novellas. SOULFIRE jump-starts this series as a loose retelling of Romeo and Juliet, except with a happily-ever-after, half-dragon men, and steamy sex. Publishing details are coming soon! If you'd like to find out more, you can follow Juliette here:

Now let's get started!

My Writing Process.

What am I working on?

I think the question should be what am I not working on? I just finished edits on (Once) Again the next book in the Again series that will be out in June with Berkley Penguin. I'm also working on final edits for Beach Side Beds and Sandy Paths the sequel to King Sized Beds and Happy Trails that I wrote with the amazing and talented Cassie Mae. Cassie and I are also working on the prequel that will release between  Beach Side Beds and the third book Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads. I'm also working on two other New Adult contemporary novels, a YA contemporary novel and rewriting another YA contemporary novel I had shelved. Oh and a YA novel about witches. I'm not happy unless I have a million things going on!

How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Oh! That's a good question. I don't write to trend. I try to avoid it and just write the story the way I feel it needs to be told. A lot of people think New Adult is sexed up YA and it's not. It's a time in your life where you are on your own for the first time, where decisions you make can have a bigger impact on your future, and a time when you can explore your options. I try to focus on those aspects of the story and not just the sexy time. Though my books do have sex in them, but I don't write those scenes just to write them in. It has to work with the story and the characters.

Also whether I'm writing NA or YA I try to keep it as realistic as possible. My characters are never perfect. They have flaws because I have never met a single person who doesn't.

Why do I write what I do?

That's easy. I don't want to admit I'm nearing thirty. I can stay in my teens through the characters I write. They were the best years of my life, so why wouldn't I want to write about it?

How does your writing process work?

There is no rhyme or reason to my writing process. It's utter madness actually, but I always say there is a method to my madness because somehow I make it work. Most of the time I'm a pantser, but there are times where I plot. I usually need tea, coffee or wine, depending on what time of day it is. Sometimes a snack usually Cheez-its or Tostitos and I just go with it. I like to do writing sprints with my critique partners because then I can't make excuses for not sitting down and getting the words on the screen.

Once I get a first draft completed, I send it out to a few CP's and my mom, get their feedback, make revisions and then send it out to another round of CP's. I also have beta readers I send to after all revisions to make sure nothing was missed. That's about it.

Next Week on the Tour:

Two of my favorite people!
Cassie Mae (sometimes writes as Becca Ann ;)) is a nerd to the core from Utah, who likes to write about other nerds who find love. Her angel children and perfect husband fan her and feed her grapes while she clacks away on the keyboard. Then she wakes up from that dream world and manages to get a few words on the computer while the house explodes around her. When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with the youth in her community as a volleyball and basketball coach, or searching the house desperately for chocolate. 

Rachel Schieffelbein grew up in a tiny town in Minnesota. She still lives there, with her husband and their four kids. She coaches high school speech and theater, rides Arabian horses, reads as much as she can, and writes stories.


  1. You are one busy lady! Wow! And you're great at keeping it real in your books. :)

  2. What? You've met me, and I'm perfect. ;)

    You do have a ton of stuff going on. I need to get working myself. Too much to do and it gets overwhelming.

    1. OMG you're right! How could I forget something like that! ;)

  3. busy busy. exciting and exhausting stuff!
