Anywho in other news I spent a day and a half researching agents and sending out more queries. After I stopped getting response emails even if they were all rejections I started to miss them. There is nothing better than the nervous, excited, somewhat disappointed feeling of open an email from an agent. As you click on the email and wait for it to load a million things run through your head. It's a rejection. Maybe it's not. Maybe this is the one. Or not. Wonder if it's a form rejection or if they took the time to explain why the project isn't right for them. You'd be amazed at how many of these thoughts run through my head in a matter of seconds. So I researched, I queried and now the worst part of it all I wait and hopefully can keep myself from obsessively checking my email.
This past Sunday I went pumpkin picking with my boyfriend and my parents. Yes with my parents. I may be 25 but that doesn't mean anything. My parents are a blast and we had such a good time. The day started with a call from my mom asking if my boyfriend and I wanted to go antiquing with her and my dad, believe it or not it's actually something we enjoy. I said yes as long as I could stop and get some pumpkins. Now in my parenst true fashion plans changed as soon as we started heading out to the northfork. We first stopped at the Loing Island Vodka distillery and did a taste testing of seven different vodkas. Then we went pumpkin picking where we all insisted we weren't getting no more than 4 pumpkins per household. We wound up with 17! Don't ask. Then my dad asks me if I want to do the corn maze which of course I'm going to say yes so he goes to my mom and says "your daughter really wants to do the cornmaze so I'm going to go with her." My dad is the biggest kid and my mom knows this yet he blames it on me. I couldn't stop laughing in which I blew up his spot. After that we had an amazing lunch at the Jamesport Manor. The building was beautiful on both the outside and the inside. I thought prices may be a little pricey because of the location, atmospehere and it's elegant dining sign but it was so reasonable and so good. I had a lobster BLT which had fresh lobster they had just got out of the waters that morning, arugula, tomato and an aielo sauce on homemade bread and homemade french fries. Oh my god it was delicious and it was only $18. After lunch we stopped at a winery and then went home. And no we did not hit one Antique shop. However, the day was awesome and I now have 6 pumpkins lined up outside my apartment door. (My parents have a large front yard I let them keep 11 of them). Now I just need some mums and maybe a haystack. Then my fall decor will be complete.
I'll keep you posted on the queries, and as soon as I can get myself to finish Torment which hopefully will be today I will write my review.
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